

Money Exchange for Import and Export Operations

In partnership with Banco Rendimento, we offer services for currency quotes, negotiation, and closing of money exchanges for the import and export of goods and services, ensuring speed and savings.

We also facilitate the receipt and money transfer to/from abroad for both individuals and companies. 

Carrying out these transactions with a reliable company is essential to ensure safety and efficiency, minimizing risks, and ensuring the best management of your financial resources..

See also

Other solutions in Comex

National Logistics

International Logistics


Concierge & Tourism

Talk to us!

Do you need to simulate exchange transactions, transfers or receiving funds from/to abroad? Get in touch.

Entre em contato

Seg - Qui: 8:00 -18:00
Sex: 8:00 -17:00
(31) 2104-5555


Rua Gonçalves Dias, 1130 – Funcionários – Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brasil