National Logistics


National Logistics and
General Warehouse

Our specialty is advising companies on the organization, coordination and development of logistics projects for the transportation of cargo within the national territory, in synergy with international logistics.

We have a general warehouse of 10,000m², with storage capacity for up to 500 containers, offering a robust infrastructure to meet the needs of our customers.

Serpa Transportes team has extensive experience in large projects, and the entire team is highly qualified to ensure efficiency and safety in the collection and delivery of cargo, from origin to destination.

We operate in the main Brazilian ports and airports, meeting the demands of import and export projects.

Get to know


See also

Other solutions in Comex

International Logistics



Concierge & Tourism

Serpa Group specializes in National Logistics

Transport and specialized services to ensure the efficiency of door-to-door logistics in import or export projects. Let’s chat?

Entre em contato

Seg - Qui: 8:00 -18:00
Sex: 8:00 -17:00
(31) 2104-5555


Rua Gonçalves Dias, 1130 – Funcionários – Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brasil